DCRdesign Online Studio and Gallery

Infiniti Crow has been designed to announce new artwork and greeting cards by Diana Campbell-Rice.

As the blog grows, we will introduce new aspects, such as a newsletter, events, exhibits and links to interesting art and education.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The elegant art of saying thank you

The gracious art of sending a personal Thank You note has almost disappeared from the human landscape.  Quite often these days, we say thanks through our electronic devices and social media.  Expressing appreciation is important, no matter how it gets done, but nothing replaces a hand-written note.  The receiver knows you had to go out of your way. 

Doors & Hallways, Organic Zen, Watercolor, Diana Campbell Rice

The personal note expresses you in so many ways...it is tactile and offers info about your tastes and sentiments.  Stuck for something to say?  I offer an article with the words needed for many occasions, including professional.  Please feel free to use in your notes.  Just scroll down on this site until you reach the topic titled Pages.  Click on Write a Memorable Thank You Note...and you have a great resource for a penned Thank You card.

Need a card?  I offer those too, and at great prices...$2 per card in the sets... for beautiful, professional art prints.  Here is the link.  http://dcrdesign.us/ 

Enjoy, and write that Thank You note, you will make a lasting impression!

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