DCRdesign Online Studio and Gallery

Infiniti Crow has been designed to announce new artwork and greeting cards by Diana Campbell-Rice.

As the blog grows, we will introduce new aspects, such as a newsletter, events, exhibits and links to interesting art and education.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Schedule Creativity? Yeah, it works!

Where did the time go?
Working Out Life, Native American Series,
Watercolor & ink, Diana Campbell Rice
Lately, I find my self more and more involved commenting on face book than writing my blogs -- including this one, which ties directly to my sales site.  So, I knew it was time to have a discussion with myself about priorities, creativity and a plan.

Creating art for the specific purpose of selling -- either originals, prints or notes -- is just like any other business.  You have to work at it.  Marketing, promoting and selling art is a necessary part of the business plan and these days, it includes social media. 

I write because I really, really enjoy it.  This blog shares my art, philosophy and some good tips for other artists.  I paint and draw because I love it.  So, how does that fit into a creativity plan?

The Plan
1.  Just like a job - you go to work at a certain time and finish at a specific time.  Pick the times that work best for you (a schedule) and stick with it.  Think about your daily routine and schedule a time frame when you won't be interrupted.
2.  Give yourself some adjustment time in the studio -- 15 mins. or so to mental review your project for the day.  Think about your work -- gather your ideas.
3.  Make sure you have the supplies you need -- nothing is as bothersome and disrupting as running out of paint, paper...
3.  When you are in the studio at your scheduled time, avoid distractions, including, kids, spouses, friends, and phone calls.  Often, people don't get it that when you are creating in the studio, you are actually working.  You have one goal -- create -- don't confuse that with laundry, food prep, house cleaning, chatting with friends or appointments.
4.  Dress the part -- I love my painting clothes, apron, etc.  Wearing them is the signal for me that I am ready to paint.
5.  Take care of yourself and prepare for your work day -- eat something before you start; have a beverage handy and take regular timed breaks.
6.  Build in a schedule that includes all the activities you need to get done -- for example -- Mon./Wed./Fri. - create/painting time; Tues. - blog, social media, return emails, work-related phone calls; Thurs. -- all the other stuff it takes to keep the studio flowing -- meetings, shopping, errands, mailing, responding, packaging, etc. (You can mix and match on Tues./Thurs. because life happens).

I am working with my creativity plan with good result.  I hope these ideas help you put together a plan that keeps you creating!

My art is offered at http://www.dcrdesign.us/



  1. Direct, purposeful and pertinent. Your procedure will work for most creative interests. Thanks!
